Source Material

Bird Illustrations - Source Materials

The following works were used as source materials for this website.  

The listing is by author, works may contain illustrations from one or more artists.

Bartlett, Edward

     A Monograph of the weaver-birds, Ploceidae, and arboreal and  

     terrestrial finches, Fringillidae, 1888

Blanford, W. T.

     See Oates, Eugene

Butler, Arthur G.

     Foreign Finches In Captivity, 1899 - Illustrations by F. W.


     British Birds With Their Nests and Eggs -

     Illustrations by F. W. Frohawk

          Volume 1

          Volume 2

          Volume 3

          Volume 4

          Volume 5

          Volume 6

     Birds of Great Britain and Ireland - Order Passeres

     Illustrations by H. Gronvold and F.W. Frohawk

          Volume 1

          Volume 2

Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum, Volume XVI

Chubb, Charles

     The Birds of British Guiana, Based on the Collection of

     Frederick Vavasour McConnell - Illustrations by Henrik Grønvold

          Volume 1, 1916

          Volume 2, 1921


     Die Vogel Ost-Afrikas. Baron Carl Claus von Deer Decken's

     Reisen in Ost-Africa, 1870, by Otto Finsch and Gustav Hartlaub

Frohawk, Frederick William

     Birds Beneficial to Agriculture, 1919

Fuertes, Louis Agassiz

     The Abyssinian Art of Louis Agassiz Fuertes in the Field

     Museum, by Paul A. Johnsgard, 2020

Gould, John

     The Birds of New Guinea and the Adjacent Papuan Islands

     Vol. 1, 1875 - 1888

     The Birds of New Guinea and the Adjacent Papuan Islands

     Vol. 2, 1875 - 1888

     The Birds of New Guinea and the Adjacent Papuan Islands

     Vol. 3, 1875 - 1888

     The Birds of New Guinea and the Adjacent Papuan Islands

     Vol. 4, 1875 - 1888

     The Birds of New Guinea and the Adjacent Papuan Islands

     Vol. 5, 1875 - 1888

     The Birds of Australia, Volume 1, 1848

     The Birds of Australia, Volume 2, 1848          

     The Birds of Australia, Volume 3, 1848

     The Birds of Australia, Volume 4, 1848

     The Birds of Australia, Volume 5, 1848

     The Birds of Australia, Volume 6, 1848

     The Birds of Australia, Volume 7, 1848

     The Birds of Great Britain, Volume 1, 1873

     The Birds of Great Britain, Volume 2, 1873

     The Birds of Great Britain, Volume 3, 1873

     The Birds of Great Britain, Volume 4, 1873

     The Birds of Great Britain, Volume 5, 1873

Jerdon, T. C.

     Illustrations of Indian Ornithology (1847)

Keulemans, John Gerrard (1842-1912)

     Onze Vogels in Huis en Tuin Volume 1 (1869)

     Onze Vogels in Huis en Tuin Volume 2 (1873)          

     Onze Vogels in Huis en Tuin Volume 3 (1876)

Levaillant, François

     Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de paradis et des rolliers,

      suivie de celles des toucans et des barbus, 1806,

          Volume One

          Volume Two

Oates, Eugene (Volumes 1 & 2 — W. T. Blanford, Volumes 3 & 4)

     The Fauna of British India, Birds, Volume 1, 1889

     The Fauna of British India, Birds, Volume II, 1890

     The Fauna of British India, Birds, Volume III, 1895

     The Fauna of British India, Birds, Volume IV, 1898

Reichenow, Von Ant.

     Die Vogel Afrikas - Atlas

Rothschild, Walter

     Extinct Birds (1907)

     Avifauna of Laysan (1893-1900)

     A Monograph of the Genus Casuarius (1900)

     Illustrations by Henrik Grønvold and John Gerrard


Sharpe, R. B.

     A Monograph of The Alcedinidae or Family of Kingfishers -

     Illustrations by John Gerrard Keulemans, 1868-1871

Shelley, G. E.

     The Birds of Africa, Comprising All The Species Which

     Occur in the Ethiopian Region -

     Illustrations by Henrik Grønvold

          Volume 1, 1896     

          Volume 2, 1900

          Volume 3, 1902

          Volume 4, Part 1, 1905

          Volume 4, Part 2, 1905

          Volume 5, Part 1, 1906

          Volume 5, Part 2, 1912

Temminck, Conrad Jacob

     Les pigeons, par Madame Knip, née Pauline de

     Courcelles... paintre d'histoire naturelle ... Le texte par …

     Themminck - Illustrations by Pauline Knip - 1811

Wilson, Scott B.

     Aves Hawaiienses: The Birds of the Sandwich Islands, by

      Scott B. Wilson, 1890-1899 -

     Illustrations by Frederick William Frohawk